Buy bitcoins with cash germany localbitcoins

buy bitcoins with cash germany localbitcoins

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This guide will focus on the state of cryptocurrency in Germany and how you can buy bitcoins. LocalBitcoins is a peer-to-peer bitcoin exchange platform. From being able to use nearly any payment method to buying Bitcoins with fewer privacy restrictions, LocalBitcoins is a great place to buy Bitcoin with cash. Buying bitcoins with credit/debit card, cash or other payment methods such as PayPal may be difficult. LocalBitcoins, on the other hand, is a free marketplace.
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Ease of Use. It can be hard to buy large amounts of bitcoins with cash, especially with cash deposit. However, if the buyer is lying and claiming that the payment has been completed, your money can be locked in for a period. The exchange has its own online wallet where private keys are stored and protected. Any such advice should be sought independently of visiting Buy Bitcoin Worldwide.